Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cuba Serrano Superior


In my last post I mentioned an "unexpected" aroma out of the Ethiopian Yrgacheffe that I received from Brown Coffee Co.. My only excuse is that I WAS DEAD AT THE TIME!

Here, smell this. Now smell this. See that? After smelling the Cuba Serrano Superior from HasBean I now understand what roasted peanuts smell like! I still stand by that I smelled peanut butter (the organic kind, not Jiffy) but the fruitiness of the Yrgacheffe is definitely all I can see now.

Well. Now that that is off my chest, the Cuban coffee. I have to tell you. I have been excited about this coffee since Steve did it in his In My Mug. Born of two Cuban parents but having never been to Cuba there was something special about being able to drink a high quality coffee from my Motherland. I grew up drinking "Cuban" coffee, which I will post a video about some day. But this was a treat. This coffee truly pops with roasted peanuts and a hint of spice. It is incredibly smooth and a much lighter roast than I had expected. The lightness of the roast really lets this coffee be that bright cup you want in the morning.

Another very exciting thing about this coffee was how good it was in both my chemex and stovetop espresso maker (mokka). It is very versatile so it can suit any mood you're in.

In fact I am going to go brew some more right now.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Ethiopia Yrgacheffe, Idido Misty Valley

Yesterday I received my first order from Brown Coffee Company and was very happy.

I immediately ran to my coffee hang out and tested it out on my Chemex.

It was a very surprising cup. First, I did actually smell fruit, but my friend Taylor pointed out that he smelled peanut butter. I could not avoid it, I smelled it too. As the coffee cooled those delicious berry flavors kept popping up and the peanut butter mellowed out.

Next coffee is Cuba Serrano Superior from HasBean Coffee in Stafford, England. I cannot wait!

A dream begins, again

Once there was a dream for a coffee shop that served incredible coffee and served local and global charities. It was a business that was not looking out for itself but for others.

We had a good idea. We had good coffee. We did not have experience.

But we have grown. Our coffee is better, our mission more directed, and our experience gained.

This is where we will share our dreams and our realities. This is where you can follow us and encourage us. This is the new and temporary home of The Coffee Pub.

follow us @thecoffeepub on twitter
or email us at coffeepubmiami@gmail.com